Monday, February 7, 2011

An Afghan physiotherapist will be executed for converting to Christianity

Said Musa, 45, has been held for months in a Kabul prison where he has been tortured and sexually abused by inmates and guards. Musa, who lost his left leg in a landmine explosion in the 1990s, has worked for the Red Cross for 15 years and helps to treat fellow amputees. He was arrested in May 2010 as he attempted to seek asylum at the German embassy following a crackdown on Christians within Afghanistan. He was visited by a judge who told him he would be hanged within days unless he converted back to Islam. But he remains defiant and said he would be willing to die for his faith. Defense lawyers have refused to represent him, while others have dropped the case after receiving death threats. Musa was arrested after a TV station showed western men baptising Afghans during secret ceremonies.

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