Monday, April 15, 2013

Mohammad al-Chalabi, the head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group, has said that he was happy to see the horror in America after the explosions in Boston

Mohammad al-Chalabi was convicted in an al-Qaida-linked plot to attack U.S. and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003. Al-Chalabi served seven years in prison for his part in the foiled attack. His group is outlawed in Jordan. A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said that the blasts carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaida. A Jordanian security official said that security has been beefed up around the U.S. Embassy in Amman after the bombing in Boston.

1 comment:

  1. The US does have drones operating in that part of the world.
