Sunday, November 16, 2014

A black deputy sheriff is out of a job after being charged with stealing a DVD while responding to a report of a convenience-store burglary

Polk County lawman Ernesto McCloud, 28, has been a deputy sheriff since May 2013 after three years as a detention deputy. He was helping respond to a call of a burglary at Mystic Convenience Store on U.S. Highway 17 on Thursday, November 6, 2014 when he was caught on security camera stealing the DVD. In the footage, McCould can be seen walking behind the store counter to pick things off the floor, then takes a DVD and slips it behind his notepad and tucked it into his shirt. "Ernesto McCloud said it best himself," said Sheriff Grady Judd. "He threw away a career for a $10 DVD." He has since been charged with petty theft and armed robbery as he was carrying his department firearm. When confronted by his fellow officers, he said that he took the disc because he hadn't seen the movie yet.

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