Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Pakistani court disliked a segment on a TV show so much that it sentenced a Bollywood actress, her husband, and two others to prison for 26 years for blasphemy

The trouble began when Veena Malik and her new husband appeared on a live daytime show on Geo TV in May 2014. Accounts differ about exactly what transpired, but they apparently re-enacted their wedding ceremony "while a group of Sufi musicians sang a devotional song about the wedding of the Prophet Mohammad’s daughter." Some viewers saw it as blasphemous, and the station apologized. But that wasn't enough to appease an anti-terrorism court in Gilgit-Baltisan, which sentenced the couple, the station's owner, and the host of the show to the lengthy prison terms. “Twenty-six years! Come on," says Malik, 30. "Twenty-six years is a lifetime." The judge also issued arrest warrants, but all four are reportedly out of the country.

1 comment:

  1. It's up to us to be as blasphemous as possible when it comes to Mohammedism. It is our duty.
