Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Saturday, February 28, 2015
A white or Hispanic homicide victim is over twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black homicide victim is to be killed by a white or Hispanic
Approximately 16% of white or Hispanic victims in homicide incidents involving a single victim and single offender were killed by blacks, compared with only 7% of black victims who are killed by whites or Hispanics. Given the fact that blacks are less than 13% of the national population, their homicide rate against whites and Hispanics combined is vastly disproportionate to their share of the population. There were 431 black killers of whites and Hispanics, compared to 193 white or Hispanic killers of blacks. Blacks are also disproportionately represented among cop killers. In 2013, blacks made up 42% of all cop killers whose race was known. It is precisely in response to the disproportionate criminality among the black population that the police are deployed in much higher numbers in black neighborhoods, where they are trying to save innocent lives. The 200 or so reported killings of blacks by police officers — nearly all justified — pale in comparison to the 6,000 or so killings of blacks by other blacks.
Millions of African Americans moved from the South in the early 20th century to seek better job opportunities and higher wages, but a new study on the historic Great Migration shows that with improved economic conditions came a greater risk of mortality
A study found that, on average, African Americans who migrated died 1.5 years sooner than their peers who stayed in the South. UChicago scholars were part of a study that found if an African American man lived to age 65, his chances of reaching age 70 were 82.5%, if he remained in the South. But if he migrated, those chances shrank to 75%. For an African American woman who lived to age 65, the likelihood that she would live to 70 in the South were 90% but dropped to 85% if she migrated. Medical records indicate that migrants died at much higher rates from cirrhosis and pulmonary illnesses, which are closely linked to smoking and drinking. Black said that there were other factors as well: chemicals and pollution from factories, higher population density (and, therefore, more contagious diseases), the shock of cold weather, and the stress from uneven employment prospects. "Migrants were a self-selected group: Many of them had been preparing all their lives to make the move, and everything suggested they'd be healthier than their counterparts in the South," said Dan Black, deputy dean and professor at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy Studies, who co-authored the study. "But it was shocking to learn that, in terms of longevity, the migrants weren't better off at all." Joining Black as co-authors were Seth G. Sanders of Duke University, Evan Taylor of the University of Michigan, and Lowell Taylor of Carnegie Mellon University and NORC at the University of Chicago. The authors believe that the study is the first attempt to establish a link between the Great Migration and mortality. Researchers constructed and examined the records of one million migrants extracted from the Duke SSA/Medicare Dataset — records containing information about each migrant's race, sex, age and, crucially, place of birth and death. Since most migrants came from towns near railroad lines, researchers studied old railroad maps and located links between "sending communities" and "receiving communities." Then they devised a formula to compare the longevity of people who had stayed in the South or migrated, limiting their focus to people born between 1916 and 1932 in eight states in the Deep South. "Our assessment of the long-term consequences of the Great Migration suggests that dislocation due to migration might have substantial costs in terms of individual health," Black said. He hopes that his research may be relevant for evaluating current trends in developing countries, many of which are experiencing extraordinary levels of migration from rural areas to urban centers.
Attackers in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka have hacked to death a US-Bangladeshi blogger whose writings on religion angered Islamist hardliners
Avijit Roy, an atheist who advocated secularism, was attacked as he walked back from a book fair with his wife, who was also hurt in the attack. No-one has been arrested but police say that they are investigating a local Islamist group that praised the killing. Roy's family say that he received threats after publishing articles promoting secular views, science and social issues on his Bengali-language blog, Mukto-mona (Free Mind). He defended atheism in a recent Facebook post, calling it a "rational concept to oppose any unscientific and irrational belief". A group of men ambushed the couple, who live in the United States and were visiting Dhaka only to attend the book festival, as they walked toward a roadside tea stall. At least two of the attackers hit the couple with meat cleavers in the attack, police chief Sirajul Islam said. Dropping their weapons, the attackers ran away, disappearing into the crowds. Police said that they were investigating a local hard-line religious group that had praised the killing in an online message. Ajay Roy, father of the dead man, urged the authorities to find the killers and "ensure exemplary punishment". The killing in early 2013 of another secular blogger, Ahmed Rajib Haider, which was blamed on religious hardliners, sparked protests from free-speech supporters and counter-protests from Islamists. The police say that the attack on Roy was similar to the 2013 murder. Death threats against atheist writers and bloggers are nothing new in Bangladesh. Prominent writer Taslima Nasreen had to leave Bangladesh after she received death threats from hard-line Islamists in the mid-1990s. She wrote on her blog: "Avijit Roy has been killed the way other free thinker writers were killed in Bangladesh. No free thinker is safe in Bangladesh. Islamic terrorists can do whatever they like. They can kill people with no qualms whatsoever."
Thursday, February 26, 2015
With anti-Jewish hate crimes by Muslims on the rise in Germany, the leader of the country’s Jewish community says that it may be wise for Jews to hide their identity in public
"Concealing yourself is not the answer… But, the question is whether, in areas with a large proportion of Muslims, in Berlin and elsewhere, it is sensible to be recognized as a Jew by wearing a kippa [traditional Jewish skullcap] or if it isn't better to wear some other form of head covering," Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews, told Berlin’s RBB radio. “I did not imagine this situation five years ago, and I am admittedly, shocked.” Anti-Zionist demonstrations following the IDF’s operation against Gaza during the summer of 2014 descended into anti-Jewish displays on at least several occasions, with Muslim-dominated crowds chanting “Gas the Jews!” and “Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight!" There are approximately 5 million Muslims in Germany, and there are more Muslims in Berlin, predominantly of Turkish origin, than Jews in the entire country. Recently, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu called for Jews to return to Israel, following a rise in anti-Jewish hate crimes by Muslims not just in Germany, but in France and other European states.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
In southeast Africa, albinos are at risk of being murdered because their body parts are used for witchcraft
Apparently black Africans never tire of being savages, even in the 21st century. In Tanzania, even babies and infants have had their arms and legs hacked off with machetes. African witch doctors will pay as much as $75,000 for a complete set of albino body parts, according to a recent report from the Red Cross. Albinism is a hereditary genetic condition that causes an absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair and eyes and is often linked by researchers to inbreeding. It is particularly prevalent in Tanzania, affecting one person in 1,400, compared with one in 20,000 in the West.
A black Muslim convert who planned to behead a soldier had been radicalised by Britain’s most notorious hate preacher just weeks before
Brustholm Ziamani, 19, fell under the spell of Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary and his followers in April 2014 and became obsessed with the killers of Fusilier Lee Rigby. Months after joining the Muslim preacher’s banned terror group al-Muhajiroun (ALM), he underwent a dramatic transformation that culminated in him wandering the streets looking for a serviceman to execute in a Woolwich-style killing. As Ziamani was found guilty of arming himself with a hammer and a 12-inch knife for the copycat attack, Britain’s most senior counter terrorism officer said that the case illustrated how quickly disaffected young "Britons" could be radicalized. Police and MI5 consider the plot to be one of the most serious to have threatened Britain since the escalation of the Syrian conflict. Known to his friends as Bruce, Ziamani was raised a devout Jehovah’s Witness by his Congolese parents.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Jewish oligarchs and the Republican party
Like John McCain and Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush apparently believes that getting as much Jewish financial support as possible is more important than winning presidential elections.
In Texas, Hispanic criminals are considered to be white males
For some reason none of the fugitives are described as "white Hispanics". I guess that term is reserved exclusively for George Zimmerman.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Why are blacks in Los Angeles so much worse behaved than whites and Asians, or even Hispanics?
Steve Sailer reviews an important new book Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America, by Los Angeles Times homicide reporter Jill Leovy. The book looks at the problem of black-on-black homicides in the United States.
More black schoolchildren were arrested during Fall 2014 than any other ethnicity in San Francisco’s public schools
Of the 37 students arrested from September to December 2014, 27 of them were black. Seven were Latino, three were white and one was Asian. Twenty of the arrests occurred at middle schools. Thirty-two of the students arrested were male. Blacks make up 8% of the school district’s students. Asian students, at 38%, make up the largest segment, followed Latinos at 26% and whites at 13%, according to statistics from the 2013-14 school year. This means that black students in San Francisco were 29 times as likely to be arrested as whites.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Turkey for days of protest about violence against women and ministers have called for the death penalty to be reinstated, following the brutal attempted rape and murder of a 20-year-old student
Ozgecan Aslan's burned body was found in woodland after she tried to resist a sexual assault by minibus driver Ahmet Suphi Altindoken who then stabbed and clubbed her to death. Three people have been arrested in connection with Miss Aslan's death and protests have continued throughout Turkey for three days. Her death has caused outrage in Turkey where women are frequently killed at the hands of violent men and are seen as having a lower status - a few recently inflamed by comments made by the Turkish president who said that women were not equal to men. Protesters took to the streets in their thousands bearing placards of Miss Aslan and Turkish women shared their stories of harassment and violence on Twitter using the hashtag #sendeanlat (you tell your story). The 20-year-old was the only passenger left in a minibus driven by Altindoken, who changed the route of the bus when the other passengers got off and attempted to rape her. When she resisted him and used pepper spray, he killed her. Altindoken then returned to Tarsus to find his father Necmettin Altindoken and friend Fatih Gokce to help him dispose of her body. All three are being held at different detention centers in Turkey. They burned the body in a wooded area in a bid to hide the evidence but the corpse was found by police. Altindoken has confessed to the murder, saying that he had stabbed Aslan and then struck the fatal blows with a crowbar after seeing that she was not yet dead. The murder has also caused outrage among ministers and the public and has been compared to the reaction after the gang rape and brutal assault of Jyoti Singh in Delhi in 2012, who later died of her injuries. Turkey is already battling shocking levels of violence against women. According to the Platform to Stop Violence Against Women activist group, 294 women were killed by men in 2014. The situation is not helped by the ruling Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Erdogan, who declared in November 2014 that women were not equal to men.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country - 40 years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%
If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%. That makes Sweden the rape capital of the West, second globally to only Lesotho in Southern Africa in the number of rapes it suffers.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has said that his government is encouraging a mass immigration of Jews from Europe
Finally, Netanyahu is saying something that I agree with. Personally, I think it would be best for both the Jews and the Europeans if the Jews left Europe permanently.
Friday, February 13, 2015
An adviser on education policies to Japan’s government has sparked a furore by recommending that immigrants in the world’s third-largest economy be separated by race
In a column for the Sankei newspaper, Ayako Sono said apartheid-era South Africa showed that whites, Asians and blacks should live apart. “Black people fundamentally have a philosophy of large families,” she wrote. “For whites and Asians, it was common sense for a couple and two children to live in one complex. But blacks ended up having 20 to 30 family members living in a single unit.” Sono is a best-selling author and a vocal supporter of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s efforts to revive patriotic education. Abe appointed her to a panel on educational reform in 2013 but the government says that she has since quit. She has also been quoted in a government-recommended textbook on morals for secondary school students, alongside Mother Theresa and other prominent figures. The column, written on Japan’s National Foundation Day, traditionally a holiday for expressing patriotism, sparked outrage, with online commentators branding it “disgusting” and “appalling”. Japan’s government is considering allowing 200,000 foreigners a year to enter the country to head off a growing demographic crisis. The country’s population is aging and declining, falling by nearly a quarter of a million in 2013. An advisory body to Abe said in 2014 that opening the immigration drawbridge to more foreigners would eventually help stabilize the population – currently 127 million – “at around 100 million”. The Asian powerhouse has so far shunned the mass immigration policies of other developed economies. Less than 2% of the population is foreign, and that includes hundreds of thousands of long-term residents from China and Korea. In her column, Sono said that Japan’s chronic labor shortage was forcing the country to consider more immigrants, but added that after studying the situation in South Africa for 30-40 years such policies would only work if the country segregated races. “It is next to impossible to attain an understanding of foreigners by living alongside them,” she said. She said that black Africans had ruined areas previously reserved for whites in the country and they would do the same thing to Japan if allowed to do so.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
The number of children growing up as Muslims in Britain has almost doubled in a decade in what experts have described as an “unprecedented” shift in Britain’s social make-up
One in 12 schoolchildren in England and Wales are now officially classed as Muslim after a decade which saw the number of followers of Islam surge by just over 1.1 million, according to the most detailed study of its kind ever published. The report, presented to Parliament, concludes that Muslims could play a decisive role in the coming general election, expected to be the closest in recent times, making up a significant share of voters in some of the most marginal seats in the country. But the study of official census data by the Muslim Council of Britain also concludes that the Muslim population will continue expanding for “many decades” to come – something that experts said could transform everything from social attitudes to foreign policy. Although immigration has driven growth in the past, it is the dramatically younger age profile of the Muslim population which could have the biggest impact in the future. At a time when the wider population is ageing rapidly, half of British Muslims are under the age of 25 and a third are under 15. Overall 2.7 million people living in England and Wales on census day in 2011 – and another 81,000 across Scotland and Northern Ireland – described themselves as Muslim. That is up from just under 1.6 million in 2001 – a 75% jump. Among children under the age of five the rate of increase was more than 80%. Significantly, Muslims make up more than a fifth of the population in 26 parliamentary constituencies and around 50% in some areas. There are also 70 council wards with a Muslim population of 40% or more. Muslims are around twice as likely to be unemployed or homeless and almost a third of members of some communities have little or no English – a trait most marked among older people and new arrivals. Prof David Voas, director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research based at Essex University, said: “In terms of ethnic-religious minority groups expanding I think this is probably unprecedented. Even if immigration stopped tomorrow it is clear that in due course by the middle of this century or a bit later, 10% of the population of Britain will be of Muslim heritage.” He said that is likely to change political decisions and social attitudes on both a local and national level. “You could see the effect with local authorities making accommodation with swimming baths where there are women-only swimming periods,” he said. “It would start off with being relatively small but you could just imagine a situation where a more socially conservative view that might be conducive to Muslims might tip the balance.” He added: “It is also possible that there would be an impact on foreign policy – that there would be greater scepticism of involvement in foreign wars where the adversary is predominantly Muslim.”
The student government of the Durban University of Technology, in South Africa, has called on the institution to expel Jewish students, although some quotes from student leaders suggest that Jewish students who support the Palestinian cause could remain
Mqondisi Duma, secretary of the student government, said, "We had a meeting and analyzed international politics. We took the decision that Jewish students, especially those who do not support the Palestinian struggle, should deregister.”
When apartheid ended in 1994, the life expectancy in South Africa was 64 — the same as in Turkey and Russia
Now it’s 56, the same as in Somalia. There are 132.4 rapes per 100,000 people per year, which is by far the highest in the world: Botswana is in second with 93, Sweden in third with 64; no other country exceeds 32. The South African government estimates that there are 31 murders per 100,000 people per year. Or about 50 a day. That would make South Africa the tenth most murderous country in the world, outpacing Rwanda, Mexico, and both Sudans. And that’s using South Africa’s official estimates — outside groups put the murder rate 100% higher. Choosing not to trust the South African authorities is a safe bet — South Africa’s government, which has been led by Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress since the end of apartheid, is outstandingly incompetent and corrupt.
A comprehensive survey of U.S. Census data found that just 17% of black teens live with their nuclear family, an all-time low and down from 38% in 1950
The survey of Census data found that black kids typically start out in broken homes, with just 30% of black two-year-olds living with their parents, dropping to 17% at age 17.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Two new immigrants have arrived in the United States for every new job created nationwide, during the years stretching from 2000 and 2014, according to government statistics
About 18 million people moved to the United States from other countries between 2000 and 2014. But only 9.3 million new jobs were created during that same period. Varying estimates from the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Pew Research Center indicate that of the 18 million immigrants who entered the United States between 2000 and 2014, between 4.5 million and 6.0 million did so illegally.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Black Americans make up a disproportionate share of the population newly infected with HIV, and they're more likely to die from the disease, according to two studies released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The first study looked at 2013 data submitted by 61 health departments and 151 community-based organizations around the country. The analysis found that black Americans accounted for 54.9% of all newly identified HIV-positive people at CDC-funded testing events — even though they make up roughly 12% of the US population, and about 45% of those tested at the events. The second study found that the death rate per 1,000 Americans 13 and older living with HIV dropped from 28.4 among black Americans in 2008 to 20.5 in 2012. Although this was the largest decline among all racial and ethnic groups, black individuals with HIV were 13% more likely to die in 2012 than their white counterparts and 47% more likely than their Hispanic peers. Things are even worse for gay black men. Although gay and bisexual men make up just 2% of the U.S. population, they are nearly 66% of the nation’s new HIV infections each year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that new HIV infections are stable or declining in all other groups, but increasing among gay and bisexual men in the United States. Between 2008 and 2010, there was a 12% increase in new HIV infections among gay men nationally, and gay youth (ages 13–24) are especially vulnerable. In the same time period, the CDC reported an astounding 22% increase in new HIV infections among gay youth. What’s more, young black gay men continue to bear the brunt of new HIV infections. The heavy impact of HIV on black Americans is primarily borne by black gay men. Black gay men are three times more likely to acquire HIV than white gay men, and 22 times more likely to acquire HIV compared with the general black American population. Although black gay men represent just 1.4% of the black community, they represent 53% of new HIV infections among black Americans each year. Even more disturbing is that a quarter of new HIV infections among all Americans each year occur among black gay men. In fact, if you monitored a group of young black gay men from ages 20 to 40, 25% would be HIV-positive by age 25 and nearly 60% would be HIV-positive by age 40. This mirrors rates of HIV infection in some of the hardest-hit regions of the world.
Jewish power in Britain: Social media users who spread racial hatred should be banned from sites such as Twitter and Facebook, MPs say
The All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into anti-Semitism wants prosecutors to examine whether prevention orders like those used to restrict sex offenders' Internet access could be used. The cross-party group also highlighted the use of anti-Semitic terms online. A Community Security Trust report said that British anti-Semitic incidents more than doubled to 1,168 in 2014. The trust - which monitors anti-Semitism in Britain - says that this was its highest figure recorded since it began work in 1984. The Parliamentary inquiry was set up following a rise in incidents in July and August of 2014 during fighting between Gaza and Israel. Although the primary focus of the inquiry was anti-Semitism, one recommendation that it made was that those who carry out any kind of hate crime should be prevented from using social media. Hate crimes are defined in England and Wales as offenses carried against someone because of their disability, gender identity, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation and can include harassment. The MPs said that social media platforms had "increasingly been used for the spread of anti-Semitism". Of course, the Jews will always use the term "anti-Semitism" to include all criticism of their anti-gentile activities. Like the Muslims, Jews are ultimately the enemies of free speech and freedom of thought.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Obama, the Crusades, Communism and the Spanish Inquisition
Obama likes to argue that Christians are just as violent as Muslims even when the facts don't support him.
Black guy lists his occupation as "drug dealer" on arrest report
Robert Michael Phillips has seven felony convictions and more than a dozen arrests on his resumé — which he apparently feels earns him the right to list his occupation as "drug dealer". The slight problem being that he did so not on an application to peddle illegal substances, but rather on his arrest report, albeit for a host of alleged drug-related offenses. Something else he can add to his resumé — a veritable symphony of charges that include resisting arrest, heroin trafficking, possession of cocaine with intent to sell, weapons possession by a career criminal, fleeing law enforcement at a high rate of speed, striking a police animal, battery, and driving with a suspended license. What police say happened: Phillips cut off an unmarked officer, nearly causing an accident. The cop ran a check on Phillips, discovered that he was driving a stolen car, and followed; he observed Phillips conduct a drug deal. When police approached, he sped off, eventually entering a Michaels store, where he knocked a woman down, dropped a loaded weapon, and ran out the back. Police used a police dog to apprehend Phillips, and found 22 grams of heroin, about $2,300 in cash, 5.3 grams of crack, a drug scale, and hypodermic needles on his person and in his car.
Pennsylvania: A black teenager has been charged with murder after he shot a white classmate then posed for a selfie with the victim's body and sent the image to a friend
Maxwell Morton, 16, has been charged with first-degree murder in the case of 16-year-old Ryan Mangan, who died of a single gunshot wound to the face, and was discovered by his mother in her home. A picture was sent to one of Morton's friends on Snapchat showing him posing in front of Mangan's body which was slumped over in a chair, said police. Morton has also been charged one count of possession of a firearm by a minor. Following a search at Morton's home, he confessed to shooting Mangan after police found a 9mm handgun hidden under the basement steps that matched the shell casing found at the scene of the murder. Morton is being held in a juvenile detention center without bail and is set to face a preliminary hearing on February 19, 2015. If you love your children, keep them away from blacks even if people call you racist.
Jews like to see "anti-Semitism" as a form of gentile psychopathology
By viewing all anti-Jewish sentiment as being a type of mental illness, it allows the Jews to ignore or downplay legitimate gentile grievances against them.
California: Police have charged a Latino teenager with a hate crime for the stabbing of two black men in a Covina shopping center parking lot
Police Sgt. Gregg Peterson said that 19-year-old Louis Vasquez was arrested on charges of suspicion of attempted murder, use of a deadly weapon and a hate crime for the attack on two black men. Peterson says that Vasquez slashed a 27-year-old black man walking through the parking lot, cutting his right shoulder and left knee. Peterson says that the Hispanic suspect then stabbed an 18-year-old black store employee in the back as he retrieved shopping carts. Police say that the black victims did not know each other and it was a racially motivated attack.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Since the recession began in December 2007, foreign-born workers have experienced a net increase in employment, while U.S.-born workers have experienced a net loss
Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that since the start of the recession in 2007 — which is said to have ended in June 2009 — the number of foreign workers employed in the United States rose by 1.7 million. In December 2007, the number of foreign-born workers was 22,810,000; by January 2009, the number had increased to 24,553,000. Meanwhile, the number of American-born workers employed decreased by 1.5 million, from 123,524,000 to 121,999,000. The numbers come as Congress continues to debate a Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill that would defund Obama’s executive amnesty, which has opened the door for millions of illegal immigrants to legally work in the United States.
Diversity and child sex abuse in Britain: Dozens of South Asian men have been charged with a wide range of sex crimes against vulnerable girls after two separate police investigations
Following a milestone operation by Northumbria Police, 20 suspects appeared in court to face charges including rape, sexual assault and sex trafficking. The offenses involved 12 victims, including one girl who was aged just 13, with officers vowing to continue their investigation into the abuse of vulnerable children. In a separate case, 25 men from Halifax, West Yorkshire, were charged with a number of historic and child-related sex offences. Almost all of the men in both cases are from South Asian backgrounds. A total of 31 suspects have already been charged as part of the operation. The victims associated with the latest charges are aged between 13 and 25. The accused men appeared at Bedlington magistrates’ court to be charged with a long list of offenses including arranging child prostitution, false imprisonment and supplying Class A drugs.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Rabbi Lyle Kamlet, a former Mamaroneck, New York, religious-school teacher, has been arrested for buying mail-order child pornography which he had delivered to the school and then took home
Kamlet, 62, of Mount Vernon is charged in a federal complaint with single counts of receiving child pornography and possessing child pornography. His arrest came after an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office and U.S Postal Service inspectors. Kamlet formerly worked at the Westchester Day School, a Jewish day school in Mamaroneck. From 2008 through 2010, Kamlet ordered a number of kiddie porn DVDs, some of which he had sent to the school where he had been employed. Investigators searched Kamlet's home in 2013 and seized a number of videos, along with home movies allegedly containing images of naked children. According to the complaint, authorities began looking at Kamlet's activities after law enforcement officials in Canada searched a movie production company there, seizing hundreds of movies, including some child pornography. Also seized was an electronic database of mail-order customers and information on what they ordered. The database showed that Kamlet apparently ordered 23 DVDs from the company between November 2008 and July 2010, with titles such as Boy Fights XXVI: Buddy Brawl, Skate Brats and Cutting Room Floor. The complaint says that the videos depict naked boys between ages 10 and 14 performing gymnastics, riding bicycles, wrestling, having pillow fights and engaging in other activities. Kamlet admitted to investigators that he bought the videos, the complaint says, describing them "as his own personal sexual preference." Home movies seized from his home, which authorities say Kamlet made, show boys in a locker room, changing out of swim trunks. Kamlet was released on $100,000 bond after appearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Lisa Margaret Smith in federal court in White Plains. He's scheduled to return to court February 25, 2015. If convicted, he faces between five and 20 years in prison on each count as well as fines of up to $250,000 for each charge.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
According to the Counter Terrorism Division of the FBI in Washington, a Somali immigrant has graduated from being a Washington DC cab driver to one of the most wanted man on FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list – with a $50,000 bounty on his head
Liban Haji Mohammed, a 29-year-old Somali-born U.S. citizen, drove cabs in Washington DC for three years before being suspected by the FBI of having links with Al-Shabaab, a terrorist group linked with the deadly Westgate Mall attack in Kenya in 2013 – where the attack lasted four days with dozens killed; among several other terrorist attacks across Africa. Mohammed is accused by the FBI of providing material support to Al-Shabaab, and left the United States in the summer of 2012 to join the terrorist group in Somalia. “Not only did he choose to go to Somalia and fight with Al Shabaab, he took a prominent role in trying to recruit people to fight for Al Shabaab,” said Carl Ghatas, special agent in charge of the counter-terrorism division at the FBI’s Washington field office.
Britons dislike Israel more than Iran, new research suggests, following a surge in negative attitudes towards the country over the past two years, but North Korea is the most maligned nation outside of Europe
In a survey conducted by think tank Chatham House on public attitudes towards other countries, 35% of Britons said that they felt especially unfavorable towards Israel, an increase of 18% since 2012, while people’s unfavorable feelings towards Iran dropped from 45% to 33%. North Korea beat them both however, with 47% of Britons feeling especially unfavorable towards the nation led by Kim Jong-un. The research, entitled "Internationalism or Isolationism? British attitudes towards the UK’s international priorities" classed the top five least favorable nations as North Korea, Israel, Iran, Pakistan and Nigeria. It was conducted during August 2014, which the researchers noted was at a time when Israel was engaged in a military operation in Gaza against Hamas that caused large numbers of civilian casualties. The researchers suggested that the prominence of this news at the time contributed to the increase in unfavorable feelings towards Israel. For nations classed within Europe however, Russia was the most disliked at 56%, followed by Ukraine at a significantly lower 23%. The results come at a time when there has been an increase in overt negativity towards Israel and the country’s president Benjamin Netanyahu. CNN’s international correspondent quit his long-standing job on the network after he appeared to suggest that Israeli propaganda had played a hand in the brutal Charlie Hebdo terror attacks, while in the Philippines anti-Charlie Hebdo protesters held up burned images of Netanyahu and the Israeli flag with the message “Zionist conspiracy”.