Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Blacks commit over three-quarters of all shootings, even though they are only 23% of New York City’s population
Add Hispanic shootings to black shootings and you account for 98% of all shootings in New York City. Whites are 34% of the city’s population but they commit less than 2% of all shootings.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
A new report presented by Gil Troy of McGill University in Canada, shows that 50% of donations to Hillary Clinton’s campaign come from Jewish contributors
The study also found that 25% of donations to the Republican Party come from Jewish donors. Troy says that this is why presidential campaigns are aimed at Jews even though they only make up 2% of American voters. Professor Troy also stated that the electorate system is preferential towards states that have large Jewish populations like Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. In those states, there isn’t a clear winner for either candidate but they have large Jewish electorates and that makes the Jews very powerful. Troy estimates that 70% of Jews will vote for Clinton in November 2016, which is similar to the percent of Jews that voted for Barack Obama in the last election. According to Troy, in meetings with Republican officials, Jewish contributors still mostly support the Democratic Party, despite the unwavering pro-Israeli policies of the Republican Party.
An Indian-origin lawyer with apparent Nazi sympathies went on an early morning rampage in Houston, shooting at nine people before he was killed by police
Nathan Desai was wearing military-style clothing with Nazi symbols during the shooting spree when he fired at passing cars. Police said that they did not know why Desai went on the rampage hitting people at random. Desai's name was written with the 's' capitalized in media reports in Houston, making it sound European, but his father has been identified as Prakash Desai.
The Census Bureau has reported that incidents of violent crime — and murders in particular — were up around the United States, but which cities are worst?
Here are the top 10, on a per-capita basis: 1. St. Louis, Missouri, 2. Detroit, 3. Birmingham, 4. Memphis, 5. Milwaukee, 6. Rockford, Illinois 7. Baltimore, 8. Little Rock, Arkansas, 9. Oakland and 10. Kansas City, Missouri.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Babies with big heads are more likely to be clever and have successful futures, a study has shown
Research carried out by UK Biobank has strongly linked higher intelligence with large head circumferences and brain volume. Half a million British people are being monitored by the charity to discover the connection between their genes, their physical and mental health and their path through life. The UK Biobank, launched in 2007, is a major long-term investigation into the respective contributions of genetic predisposition and environmental exposure in the development of disease. The latest evidence is the first finding to emerge from the study that aims to break down the relationship between brain function and DNA. Researchers found highly significant associations were observed between the cognitive test scores in the UK Biobank sample and many polygenic profile scores, including intracranial volume, infant head circumference and childhood cognitive ability. The researchers tested the participants in a variety of ways - looking into their verbal and numerical reasoning, reaction time, memory and educational attainment. Professor Ian Deary, of Edinburgh University, who is leading the research, said that gene variants were also strongly associated with intelligence. In addition to there being shared genetic influences between cognitive skills and some physical and mental health states, the study also found that cognitive skills share genetic influences with brain size, body shape and educational attainments, according to Deary. The researchers looked at 17 genes which affect brain function and impact mental and physical health. The new evidence is so accurate experts claim that it could even predict how likely it was that a baby would go to university based on their DNA. This builds on evidence from a study by the same team which found that clever people are more likely to be healthier than those with a lower IQ. This is due to a genetic link between how our bodies manage diseases and intelligence. The researchers analyzed data from around 100,000 people held in the UK Biobank. They compared each person's mental test data with their genome and found that traits linked to disease and thinking skills shared the same genetic influences.
Nationally, the murder of black Americans outpaces that of whites — 7,039 African-Americans were killed in 2015, compared with 5,854 whites
That is in a nation where 13% of Americans identify solely as African-American and 77% identify solely as white. In 2014, 698 more blacks were killed than whites, according to the FBI. In 2015, 1,185 more blacks were killed than whites.
Friday, September 23, 2016
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is demanding a full-scale investigation into the rape of at least 11 women at the hands of Mexican police during a crackdown on protesters in 2006 — a crackdown ordered by now-President Enrique Peña Nieto
Peña Nieto was the governor of the state of Mexico when hundreds of people took over a town square to protest police stopping vendors from selling flowers at a nearby market. More than 40 women — vendors, students, and activists — were violently arrested. The commission found that at least 11 women were "raped, beaten, penetrated with metal objects, robbed, and humiliated, made to sing aloud to entertain police." The government initially accused the women of making it up but eventually acknowledged the rape and abuse. Regardless, no police were ever prosecuted. Instead, the women were prosecuted, with five of them spending more than a year locked up on minor charges, such as blocking traffic. While Peña Nieto was not directly accused of wrongdoing by the commission, any thorough investigation would involve looking into his involvement in ordering the crackdown. It's yet another scandal for a president whose approval ratings have been tanking amid accusations of corruption and violence. In total, two protesters were killed and another 207 were "victims of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment" in the 2006 incident.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Authorities have released their first wanted name in connection to the recent Manhattan bombing
The FBI is looking for 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami, who is described as a naturalized US citizen born in Afghanistan. His last known address was in Elizabeth, New Jersey, where five more devices were found. The development comes after five people were detained as authorities try to determine whether recent blasts in New York City and New Jersey are related.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Researchers have found that intelligence is always linked to chess skill no matter the age of the participant
If you were hoping to become a chess master by practicing 10,000 hours, think again. Contrary to the theory that expertise at chess is based on intensive training, researchers at the University of Michigan have concluded based on a meta-analysis of 19 studies that hard work is important but not enough. In this game, if you're not smart, you're probably sunk. "When it comes to expertise, training and practice certainly are a piece of the puzzle," psychology professor Zach Hambrick says. "But this study shows that, for chess at least, intelligence is another piece of the puzzle." The researchers found that intelligence is always linked to chess skill no matter the age of the participant, though the link appears strongest in younger players or those at lower skill levels. It's possible, the team suggests, that this is because upper-echelon players are all pretty bright anyway.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Recent census data shows that the most common age for Hispanics is 47 years younger than it is for whites
In the 1995-1996 California school year, whites made up 40.42% of students and Hispanics trailed with 38.74% of the student population. Fast forward 20 years and Hispanics make up 53.97% of California’s student population, and whites represent just 24.10%. The demographic shift seen in California public schools was even more significant in Texas. In the 1994-1995 school year, Hispanics made up 36.1% of students statewide, and another 46.9% were white. Twenty years later, Texas public school students are 29% white and 52% Hispanic. Texas, as a whole, is 38.8% Hispanic and 43.0% white. New York Department of Education figures show that between the school year ending in 2000 and 2014, public schools statewide got 9.2% less white, and 6.7% more Hispanic. The state during this same time period became just 5.4% less white, and 3.7% more Hispanic. In all three of these states, the proportion of black students remained relatively consistent. For the first time ever in 2014, minority babies outnumber white ones so the American school children population will continue to get less white.
The anti-white political agenda of the Jews is beginning to bite them in the ass
Jews are finding out that many leftists hate Israel almost as much as they hate the United States.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Animal sacrifices as part of the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha have combined with rain in Dhaka to form rivers of blood in the streets of the Bangladeshi capital
Poor drainage in the city makes flooding a regular fact of Dhaka life. But the problem is rarely illustrated as vividly as it was recently, after thousands of sheep, goats and cows were slaughtered. One of the two holiest events in the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Adha commemorates the willingness of the prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son at God’s request. Authorities in Dhaka said that they had established hundreds of designated sacrifice spots in the run-up to the festival to make it easier to clean away blood and animal carcasses. But local media said that most residents eschewed the special areas, preferring to make sacrifices in their garages or on the streets outside their homes. The result was a nightmarish blending of blood and water that filled streets and narrow lanes across Dhaka. “I felt I was walking through a post-apocalyptic neighborhood,” said Atish Saha, a Dhaka-based artist. “To be honest, I was scared. It was an image of mass violence that shouldn’t ever be experienced.” Particularly jarring was said to be the sight of families, including infants, wading into the flood in celebratory “Eid day” moods. “It made me speechless,” he said.
The majority of people who didn’t vote in the 2012 presidential election were white, middle-income and middle-aged
Among voters with little education, African-Americans are 1.7 times more likely to vote than whites. Black voters, particularly women, have the highest turnout rates over all. The turnout gap with whites is most pronounced at lower levels of income and education. Experts give several explanations for high black turnout, which has increased by nearly 20 percentage points since the mid-1990s. The presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama encouraged more African-Americans to register to vote, and black churches have played a strong role in mobilization. African-Americans are also more reliable partisan voters — more than 90% voted for President Obama in 2012 — so Democrats may be more likely to put resources toward getting them to turn out than other groups. Turnout rates for Hispanic voters are much lower over all. Language barriers and weaker connections to the political system are part of the explanation, said Melissa R. Michelson, a professor of political science at Menlo College in California. “There’s this idea that even if you are legally entitled to vote, you don’t see it as something that matters to you and your community,” she said. But Hispanic voters are not a homogeneous group. Hispanics who are naturalized citizens are more likely to vote than those born in the United States. Immigrant communities perceive a higher stake in election outcomes, Professor Michelson said. “Being an immigrant has become a politicized identity, and there’s a very clear connection between your identity as an immigrant and what’s going on in the political areas,” she said.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
A prominent Satmar Hasidic rabbi from Israel and one of his followers have been arrested and charged in New York with plotting to kidnap and kill a man who refused to give his wife a religious divorce
Rabbi Aharon Goldberg, 55, and Shimen Liebowitz, 25, were charged in Manhattan Federal Court, the U.S. Justice Department said in a statement, one day after their arrest by the FBI. They recruited an unnamed man and paid him more than $55,000 to murder the recalcitrant husband. Though Goldberg is based in Israel, both men are said to be prominent members of the Kiryas Joel community in upstate New York. The paid hitman contacted the FBI in early July 2016 to report that he had been recruited to kidnap the recalcitrant husband in order to torture him and force him to issue a “get,” a religious Jewish divorce, to his wife. The kidnapping would take place either in Pennsylvania or in Uman, Ukraine, where the husband was scheduled to travel to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. The hitman was advanced $25,000 in order to plan the kidnapping, according to the FBI. Later meetings and conversations, in which the rabbi discussed the possibility of also killing the intended victim, identified as a taxi driver, were recorded. In a final conversation in September 2016, the rabbi told the hitman that he also wanted the husband killed. “As if the plan to kidnap the victim and force him to divorce his wife in this alleged conspiracy wasn’t bad enough, the plotters allegedly decided halfway through the arrangement to go a step further and add murder to the list of their planned crimes,” FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William Sweeney Jr. said in the Justice Department statement. “Our country protects freedom of religious beliefs and practices, but no one is allowed to plot a kidnapping and murder regardless of their motivation.” Goldberg and Liebowitz are charged with one count each of conspiracy to commit kidnapping, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison, and one count each of conspiracy to commit murder for hire, which carries a maximum prison term of 10 years.
Indo-Japanese woman Priyanka Yoshikawa, who was recently crowned Miss Japan 2016, is now facing the ire of the purist Japanese, for being a haafu or only half-Japanese
While many people supported her and portrayed her as the icon of the racial diversity of Japan, some took it to social media to question her ethnicity of being a haafu, the Japanese word for “half,” used to represent a mixed race person. Many people supporting the haafu argument raised questions whether people from mixed-race backgrounds were given preference over racially pure Japanese in beauty contests. “I don’t mean to discriminate against races or appearances, but are the haafu people given preferential treatment in beauty contests these days?” tweeted a user going by the Twitter handle @cyokuri. Some people went on to say that the contest should have been won by a racially pure Japanese. This is the second year in a row, that a bi-racial person is winning the Miss Japan beauty contest. Last year, Ariana Miyamoto, a 22-year-old half-African was crowned as Miss Japan and she represented the country on the world stage. Born in Tokyo to an Indian father and a Japanese mother, Yoshikawa is a trained kick boxer and holds an elephant trainer’s license. Despite raising questions about her ethnicity, Yoshikawa has decided to fight against the racial prejudice. “Before Ariana, haafu girls couldn’t represent Japan. That’s what I thought too. I didn’t doubt it or challenge it until this day. Ariana encouraged me a lot by showing me and showing all mixed girls the way,” Yoshikawa said. Yoshikawa has gone through many bad experiences in Japan because of her racial background. She was bullied because of her skin color when she returned to Japan after spending about 10 years in the United States and in India. “We have problems, we’ve been struggling and it hurts. When I came back to Japan, everyone thought I was a germ,” she said about the struggles of bi-racial people in Japan. Multi-racial children make up only 2% of those born annually.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
British MPs have urged China’s ambassador to intervene in a row over racist comments issued by a Chinese airline about ethnic minority areas of London
An image of text from an inflight Air China magazine posted on social media prompted outrage after it warned passengers that “precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people”. The text, tweeted by Beijing-based producer Haze Fan of US news channel CNBC, added: “We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling.”
A black man is on the run after killing his 15-year-old son, critically wounding his ex-wife and then confessing to the horrific attack in a Facebook Live video
Earl Valentine kicked in the back door to Keisha Valentine’s home in North Carolina before shooting her and their son Earl Jr in the chest at point-blank range. Valentine posted a video on his Facebook page after the assault admitting to his ex-wife’s shooting, Norlina police chief Taylor Bartholomew said. “She lied on me, had warrants taken out on me. She drug me all the way down to nothing,” Valentine said in the video. “I loved my wife, but she deserved what she had coming.” Bartholomew said officers are hunting Valentine after he indicated that he was on his way to Richmond, Virginia, to kill other family members. The fugitive’s relatives have been put under police protection. Valentine is facing a first-degree murder charge in his son’s death.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Black Lives or Black Lies?
Here are some facts about race and crime in America from Heather Mac Donald:
* Blacks constituted 62% of all robbery defendants in America's 75 largest counties in 2009, 57% of all murder defendants and 45% of all assault defendants, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, even though blacks comprise only 15% of the population in those counties.
* In New York City, where blacks make up 23% of the city's population, blacks commit three-quarters of all shootings and 70% of all robberies, according to victims and witnesses in their reports to the New York Police Department. Whites, by contrast, commit less than 2% of all shootings and 4% of all robberies, though they are nearly 34% of the city's population.
* In Chicago, 80% of all known murder suspects were black in 2015, as were 80% of all known nonfatal shooting suspects, though they are a little less than a third of the population. Whites made up 0.9% of known murder suspects in Chicago in 2015 and 1.4% of known nonfatal shooting suspects, though they are about a third of the city's residents.
* Police shootings are responsible for a lower percentage of black homicide deaths than white and Hispanic homicide deaths. Twelve percent of all whites and Hispanics who die of homicide are killed by police officers, compared to 4% of black homicide victims.
* More blacks die each year from homicide, more than 6,000, than homicide victims of all other races combined. Their killers are not the police, and not whites, but other blacks.
* Blacks commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined.
* Black males between the ages of 14-17 commit gun homicide at nearly 10 times the rate of white and Hispanic male teens combined.
* The most sophisticated lab study of police shoot-don't-shoot decisions to date found that officers were three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects and took significantly longer to decide to shoot armed black suspects than armed white suspects.
* Harvard economist Roland Fryer found that police officers in Houston were nearly 24% less likely to shoot blacks than whites. In a data set comprising officer shootings from Dallas, Austin, Houston, Los Angeles and six Florida counties, he found that officers were 47% less likely to discharge their weapon without first being attacked if the suspect was black than if the suspect was white, and that black and white victims of police shootings were equally likely to have been armed. Overall, Fryer found no evidence of racial discrimination in shootings.
* An analysis of police use of force by the Center for Policing Equity concluded that whites were disadvantaged compared to blacks when it comes to lethal force. Officers' use of lethal force following an arrest for a violent felony was over twice the rate for white arrestees than for black arrestees.
* Police officers are far more likely to be killed by a black person than vice versa. Over the past decade, black males comprised 40% of all cop killers, though they are 6% of the population. That means that an officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
* Violent crime is rising in cities with large black populations. Homicides in 2015 rose anywhere from 54% in Washington, D.C., to 90% in Cleveland. In the nation's 56 largest cities, homicides rose 17% in 2015, a nearly unprecedented one-year spike. In the first half of 2016, homicides in 51 large cities were up another 15% compared to the same period last year.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
A study out of Columbia University suggests that Walmart deliberately runs much better stores in white neighborhoods than in minority neighborhoods
The study found that stores in lower-income neighborhoods have considerably lower customer service ratings than those in wealthier ones. More specifically, the higher the percentage of black or Latino residents in an area, the lower the Walmart rating. The authors analyzed Yelp reviews of 2,840 stores and found that those in predominantly black areas tend to be rated with words like "nasty," "terrible," and "unorganized," while those in white areas tend to be described as "friendly," "clean," and "pleasant."
Friday, September 2, 2016
Should an elderly woman with a serious head injury be president of the United States?
In December 2012, Hillary Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot. Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received.
A Muslim refugee who raped a ten-year-old boy has claimed that he did not know sexually assaulting the child was wrong as it was culturally acceptable in his homeland
Mufiz Rahaman told Sydney's Downing Centre Court that raping children was not seen as morally wrong in his native Myanmar when he pleaded guilty to the aggravated sexual assault of a 10-year-old refugee. The 20-year-old and his young victim are both stateless Rohingya Muslims - a group of people considered illegal immigrants from Bangladesh by the Buddhist-majority in Myanmar - who came to Australia to flee religious persecution. The court heard that Rahaman preyed on the young boy while he was living with a group of refugees, including his father, at a vacant RSL club in Lakemba, a suburb in Sydney's south west, on January 8, 2015. According to documents tendered to the court, he crept into the child's bedroom - which he shared with his father - as he slept and took off the boy's underpants. He then raped the boy, who arrived in Australia in 2013, while his father was in another room preparing lunch.
Gabrielle Union, star of Nate Parker's Birth of a Nation, is a rape survivor
Since finding out about the rape allegations leveled against the director years ago — the 1999 accusations made headlines recently after it was revealed that the accuser committed suicide — she has found herself "in a state of stomach-churning confusion," she writes. "I cannot take these allegations lightly. On that night, 17-odd years ago, did Nate have his date’s consent? It’s very possible he thought he did. Yet by his own admission he did not have verbal affirmation; and even if she never said 'no,' silence certainly does not equal 'yes.'"
A University of Adelaide-led project has overturned the theory that the evolution of human intelligence was simply related to the size of the brain - but rather linked more closely to the supply of blood to the brain
The international collaboration between Australia and South Africa showed that the human brain evolved to become not only larger, but more energetically costly and blood thirsty than previously believed. The research team calculated how blood flowing to the brain of human ancestors changed over time, using the size of two holes at the base of the skull that allow arteries to pass to the brain. The findings allowed the researchers to track the increase in human intelligence across evolutionary time. "Brain size has increased about 350% over human evolution, but we found that blood flow to the brain increased an amazing 600%," says project leader Professor Emeritus Roger Seymour, from the University of Adelaide. "We believe this is possibly related to the brain's need to satisfy increasingly energetic connections between nerve cells that allowed the evolution of complex thinking and learning. To allow our brain to be so intelligent, it must be constantly fed oxygen and nutrients from the blood. The more metabolically active the brain is, the more blood it requires, so the supply arteries are larger. The holes in fossil skulls are accurate gauges of arterial size." The study was a new collaboration between the Cardiovascular Physiology team in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Adelaide and the Brain Function Research Group and Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand. Co-author Dr Edward Snelling, University of the Witwatersrand, says: "Ancient fossil skulls from Africa reveal holes where the arteries supplying the brain passed through. The size of these holes show how blood flow increased from three million-year-old Australopithecus to modern humans. The intensity of brain activity was, before now, believed to have been taken to the grave with our ancestors." Honors student and co-author Vanya Bosiocic had the opportunity to travel to South Africa and work with anthropologists on the oldest hominin skull collection, including the newly-discovered Homo naledi. "Throughout evolution, the advance in our brain function appears to be related to the longer time it takes for us to grow out of childhood. It is also connected to family cooperation in hunting, defending territory and looking after our young," Bosiocic says. "The emergence of these traits seems to nicely follow the increase in the brain's need for blood and energy."
Thursday, September 1, 2016
A shortage of transplant organs for black people and Asians in Britain is being caused by a lack of donations from within those communities, NHS Blood and Transplant has said
Fewer than a third of black and Asian families allow a dead relative's organs to be used, compared with two-thirds of white families. More than 1,300 people died waiting for a transplant in Britain in 2015. The NHS said that ethnic minority groups needed to discuss organ donation. Although people from ethnic minorities can receive organs from white donors, the best match is often from a person with the same ethnic background.
Colon cancer in African American patients is a different disease molecularly than it is in whites
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers, a research collaboration which includes University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center and Case Western Reserve University, who in 2015 identified new gene mutations unique to colon cancers in African Americans, have found that tumors with these mutations are highly aggressive and more likely to recur and metastasize. These findings partly may explain why African Americans have the highest incidence and death rates of any group for this disease. The study found 15 genes in African Americans that are rarely or never detected as mutated in colon cancers from whites. The current study investigated the outcomes associated with these mutations in African American colorectal cancer. The researchers examined 66 patients who had stage I - III colorectal cancer and found that those patients positive for the mutations had an almost three times higher rate of metastatic disease, and stage III patients positive with mutations were nearly three times more likely to relapse compared to patients without the mutations. "This study is significant because it helps shed further light on why colorectal cancers are more aggressive in African Americans compared to other groups," said the study's senior author Joseph E. Willis, MD, Chief of Pathology at University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Professor of Pathology at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. "While mortality rates for Caucasian men with colorectal cancer have decreased by up to 30%, they have increased by 28% for African American men since 1960," said Dr. Willis, who is also director of tissue management in the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. These findings and the earlier study only became possible because of technological advances in gene sequencing and computational analysis. These studies ultimately involved review of 1.5 billion bits of data.