Thursday, April 10, 2008

Islamic sex offenders in Britain

Even Islamic sex offenders want special treatment:

Muslim sex offenders could be allowed to opt out of a treatment programme being run by the Prison Service because it is against their religion.

The service's Muslim adviser, Ahtsham Ali, said there is a “legitimate Islamic position” that criminals should not discuss their crimes with others, as required in the Sex Offender Treatment Programme.

Although Mr Ali has not yet called for changes to the rules, he told prisoners’ newspaper Inside Time: “I will be taking it forward as a matter of some urgency with colleagues, including those with policy responsibility for the Sex Offender Treatment programme, who I know are very willing to consider and discuss these issues.”

The possibility of an exemption for Muslims came to light after an unnamed prisoner wrote to the newspaper asking to clarify the position of Muslims on the programme.

"I have always insisted that it was against Islamic teachings to discuss your offence to anyone, let alone act it out within a peer group,” the prisoner wrote.

Mr Ali responded that the issue had been raised twice before, but there had not yet been a review of the rules relating to the treatment programme.

Hat tip, USS Neverdock!

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