Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mississippi: According to the state Department of Health, nearly two-thirds of HIV/AIDS infections reported in 2007 were among African-Americans

Just under half of HIV/AIDS infections were reported in black women.

The situation is pretty bad in Iowa as well. Blacks are roughly 3% of Iowa's population, but accounted for 20% of new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in 2007. Overall, diagnoses among black persons were up 32% from 2006. African-Americans are 10 times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV/AIDS than are white, non-Hispanic persons in Iowa. Hispanics are also overrepresented among those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS - roughly three times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV/AIDS than white, non-Hispanic Iowans. The group comprises roughly 4% of the state's population, yet accounts for 8% of the 2007 diagnoses.

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