Saturday, August 9, 2008

5 Dutch women helping to build an orphanage were raped in western Kenya

The women were attacked just outside Kakamega, police chief John Mwinzi said. He said he didn't know the exact ages of the women, but they were likely in their 20s or late teens. The attackers — armed with a toy pistol, machetes and clubs — also stole a camera, laptop, satellite phones and cash, police said. Five men have been arrested. The women were among a group of 12 people visiting a building site in a village just outside Kakamega, which is about 200 kilometers (130 miles) from the capital, Nairobi. The group's driver and watchmen at the compound were among those arrested, Mwinzi said. Violent crime has long been a problem in Kenya. A surge of politically and ethnically motivated violence erupted after a disputed presidential election in December laid bare frustrations over poverty, corruption and long-standing ethnic rivalries in Kenya.

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