Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Devout Muslims are importing creationist theories into science and are not being challenged because of political correctness

Professor Richard Dawkins argued that as a result teachers were promoting the mythology of creationism over the science of evolution. Professor Dawkins, a geneticist and author of the best-selling book The God Delusion, said: 'Islam is importing creationism into this country. Most devout Muslims are creationists - so when you go to schools, there are a large number of children of Islamic parents who trot out what they have been taught. Teachers are bending over backwards to respect home prejudices that children have been brought up with. The Government could do more but it doesn't want to because it is fanatical about multiculturalism and the need to respect the different traditions from which these children come. The Government - particularly under Tony Blair - thinks it is wonderful to have children brought up with their traditional religions. I call it brainwashing.' He added: 'It seems as though teachers are terribly frightened of being thought racist. It's almost impossible to say anything against Islam in this country because if you do you are accused of being racist or Islamophobic.'


  1. I'm going to be teaching in a 10% Muslim area soon. Teaching math, though, so issues like this probably won't come up much.

  2. Be careful! You never know what will be taken as "Islamophobic".
