Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Egyptian police have shot dead a Sudanese man attempting to cross the border illegally into Israel, Egyptian officials say

They say the man was shot south of the Rafah border crossing. The death brings to 20 the number of African migrants - seeking political asylum and jobs in Israel - killed at the border so far in 2008. Separately, an Egyptian policeman was killed by people traffickers - the third to die this year. Israel estimates that 2,800 people have entered the country illegally through its border with Egypt in recent years. Many are believed to be from Sudan, refugees from the civil war and the crisis in Darfur. Activists say they face economic marginalization and racism in Egypt.


  1. Why was an Egyptian policeman shooting man leaving Egypt to get INTO Israel? Does Israel hire out Egyptians to do the dirty work so that no one can say the Israelis did it, or are the Egyptians just gun happy because they want to look scary enough to deter future illegals? I honestly don't understand what's going on here. Do you know any more info?

  2. I think the Egyptians want to stop illegal immigrants from coming into Egypt in the first place even if the immigrants don't intend to stay.
