Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A white Muslim convert is being held by detectives investigating alleged threats to kill the British Prime Minister and Tony Blair

The 25-year-old man was arrested at a flat in the Whalley Range area of Blackburn. He is believed to be a friend of two other men arrested by counter-terrorism officers at Manchester Airport on August 14, 2008. The pair, who had been about to board a flight to Finland, live less than 100 yards from the home of the 25-year-old suspect. A fourth suspect, also from Blackburn, was arrested in Church, near Accrington, shortly after the arrests at Manchester Airport. All four men are being questioned about a posting on an Arabic website that often carries messages from senior members of al-Qaeda. The message, written in English, allegedly included a threat to target "all the political leaders, especially Tony Blair and Gordan (sic) Brown". It appeared only briefly on January 24, 2008 and purported to have been written by Shaykh Umar Rabie al-Khalaila, who described himself as "the leader of al-Qaeda in Britain". The latest man to be arrested changed his name when he converted to Islam four years ago.

Islam brings out the worst in people.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of white Muzzies are people who've already been imprisoned and converted to Islam while they were there. Google for "converted to Islam while in prison" and similar phrases and you can see examples such as Shareef Qadeer, and I think at least one of the guys involved in Jam'iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh was white although it's hard to tell from the pictures they show on news sites.
