Thursday, September 11, 2008

The population of sub-Saharan Africa will not have access to adequate sanitation until the 22nd century

Charities have also claimed that such little progress has been made on poverty targets that the population will also lack adequate access to safe water until 2035. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) Tearfund and WaterAid made the claims in a report entitled Sanitation and Water - Why We Need a Global Framework for Action. They follow the publication of the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report, which shows what progress has been made on poverty targets set out at the organisation’s Millennium Summit eight years ago. The report is expected to show the international community is falling behind in its efforts to relieve global poverty, with inadequate progress made on targets such as promoting gender equality and combating HIV/AIDS by 2015. The figures reveal some goals are close to being met. For example, the large population’s of China and India are achieving greater access to food, therefore helping to fulfil the MDG to eradicate hunger. But sub-Sahara African countries are falling behind, it says, with millions of the world's poorest people moving deeper into poverty.

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