Wednesday, October 8, 2008

African wars cause knife crime in Britain

Knife crime is being partly fuelled by a brutalized generation of refugee children who have come to Britain from vicious war-torn regions of Africa. Recent figures revealed that one person is the victim of knife crime every four minutes. In 2007, teenage Angolan refugee Roberto Malasi was jailed for 30 years after he admitted stabbing to death an 18-year-old student and shooting dead a woman cradling a baby at a christening in a two week period. The Old Bailey heard that the killings were the culmination of his horrific upbringing of pitiless persecution in Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Sir John Nutting QC, his defense lawyer, said that Malasi was influenced by witnessing scenes of daily violence in his early teens, including people being hanged, shot and burned to death. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of MigrationWatch, pointed out: "The black African community now numbers 694,000 and has overtaken the black Caribbean group as a result of high net migration in recent years. This is a further consequence of our failure to control immigration."

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