Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Americans are biochemically diverse

The new medicine shows that we’re biochemically separate and unequal — and regulators are starting to catch on.


  1. I don't see what's so special here. The majority of these biochemical and medical differences you scream about are simply group averages with greatly varying heritabilities. Bildil, a favorite of your crowd, only works on one segment of the US black population for example.

  2. Yes, but it works better in blacks than in non-blacks.

  3. Only because of group averages, which, again, can flucuate and shift greatly from group to group. You act as if there's something wholly unique to blacks that sets them apart from everyone else.

  4. Actually blacks are genetically distinct from other groups. According to Professor Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza:

    The most important difference in the human gene pool is clearly that between Africans and non-Africans

  5. One's basic genetic makeup has nothing to do with simple disease-related issues like this. What are you even talking about?

  6. Actually genetic makeup has a lot to do with these disease-related issues.
