Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Slavery reparations and 9/11

Walter Olson explains how the 9/11 attacks pushed compensation for slavery off the radar screen.


  1. That may be true, but reparations for slavery are back.

    There's legislation pending in Congress, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see hearings in Washington within a few months.

  2. Hopefully, the hearings will go nowhere.

  3. I hope the hearings will lead to a serious discussion about the ways in which most Americans misunderstand the role of slavery and the slave trade in our nation's history and the present day.

    Only when we have a complete and balanced picture of our shared history will we be able to move forward as one people.

  4. The problem is that we are not one people.

  5. I see. That sounds ominous.

    I think last night proved that a majority of Americans, at least, believe that we are "one nation, one people."
