Friday, December 19, 2008

Study says immigrants have lapped up every new job in Britain since 2001

Immigrants have snapped up almost every new job created in Britain since 2001, according to a Migrationwatch research. The research says 1.3 million foreigners have flooded into Britain over the last seven years to take up employment. But while Labor claimed to be behind a jobs boom, hardly any of the new posts have gone to British workers. Instead the vast majority went to immigrants says the Daily Star. Migrationwatch says little effort has been made to help jobless Brits find work. Instead, they have languished on the dole while foreigners - such as Africans and Indians - have nabbed their jobs. Migrationwatch says its dossier makes a mockery of Gordon Brown's "British jobs for British workers" pledge. Figures from the Office for National Statistics show overall British employment went up 320,000 from 29.17 million in 2006 to 29.49 million. But during that period the number of Britons in work actually fell by 149,000.

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