Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jewish community protects child molester

An accused Brooklyn child molester charged with fondling a boy inside a Boro Park Y six years ago still frequents the kiddie-packed center. Arthur Samet, 48, was arrested in October 2008 and charged with sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child beginning in December 2001 at the 14th Ave. Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association's (YM-YWHA) Jacuzzi, according to court records. The victim, now 19, came forward recently to report the alleged crime. Samet was arrested in 2007 on a charge of sexual misconduct, but the victim later refused to prosecute because of intense pressure from the Jewish community, police sources said. The case was later sealed. In the current case, investigators wanted to protect the victim from outside influence and did not officially notify the YMHA, sources said. The issue of molestation has become more visible in the insular Borough Park community in recent months because of several arrests. Samet is the third man charged with sexually or physically abusing a child.

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