Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A senior judge has condemned honor crimes within a Muslim family as sordid acts with no place in English law

Lord Justice Wall made his comments in the first care case to reach the Court of Appeal involving conduct within an ethnic minority community. The 41 year old father of three Muslim children placed with white foster parents was challenging being refused contact with them. He also called for them to be placed with a Muslim family, but was refused permission to appeal against the decision of the High Court Family Division. One of the children had been set on fire by her mother who also tried to burn down their house in an attempt to incriminate her sister-in-law. The sister-in-law was said to have "disgraced" the family because she fled after being beaten and her first child murdered by her husband, the mother's brother. She escaped with the help of police and social services and moved to a secret location, fearing the family would track her down and kill her because she had "disgraced" them.


How the Government pays Muslims to vote Labour

Britons who HATE Britain: The Muslim extremists hell-bent on segregation rather than integration

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