Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pakistani women kept as slaves by mother in law

Three young women who flew into Britain to join their first cousins in arranged marriages found themselves locked up for years by their mother in law and treated as slaves, a court has heard. Each of the trio arrived from Pakistan believing they would enjoy a new and prosperous life. Instead their mother-in-law, Naseebah Bibi, 63, is alleged to have kept them as virtual prisoners. She allegedly subjected them to a regime characterised by threats and beatings, with one of her alleged victims being forced to work day and night on an industrial sewing machine for 13 years. The women's suffering ended only when a three-year-old boy told staff at a nursery that Bibi had caused some bruising to his mother's hands, the court was told. Bibi is accused of falsely imprisoning Nagine, Tazeem and Nisbah Akhtar on varying dates between 1993 and 2007.


Will Shari’a Courts in the UK sabatoge the Forced Marriage Act?

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