Saturday, May 30, 2009

New book claims that women are more active on the Swedish neo-Nazi scene

Women are playing an increasingly active role on the Swedish neo-Nazi scene, a new book has revealed. Authors Maria Blomquist and Lisa Bjurwald found that the notion of women as passive neo-Nazi group members, simply following their boyfriends into the movement, was largely a myth. "Women are active in everything from distributing propaganda material, writing articles and taking part in white power concerts, to releasing their own collections of poetry, standing for election and speaking at public demonstrations," Maria Blomquist said. The book, Good dag kampsyster ('Good day, sister in arms'), also looks at the growing numbers of women signing up to the burgeoning right wing extremist movement in Sweden.

1 comment:

  1. Good news!

    Organized White Racialism can be dramatically increased by the entrance of Females into The Cause!

    It doesn't surprise me that this is happening in Sweden. Parts of Sweden have been turned into a dump by Brown Muslim immigration (places like Malmo for instance). I am Half-Norwegian myself so keep tabs on what is going on over there.
