Saturday, July 18, 2009

Diversity is Chaos is mentioned in Jewish newspaper

Joyce S. Anderson:

The Report does have a section of Hate Websites: 630 hate sites active in 2008 under group headings: Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi, White Nationalist, Racist Skinheads, Christian Identity, Neo- Confederate, Black Separatist, Racist Music and General Hate. Here are a few at random if you wish to pull them up and sample their messages first hand: Jewish Treason, www.jewish, Bergen County Hooligans,, White Knights of America, www.whiteknights of, Aryan Union, Just reading the seven pages of names of the 630 Web sites is a sobering experience. Hatred distilled into the labels: "White Camelia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan," "Adolf the Great," "American Nazi Party," "Nuke Israel." "White Revolution," "Diversity is Chaos," "Jew Watch," "Supreme White Alliance' and "Yahweh's Truth."

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