Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jews and power

Jews really do control the media:

According to Vanity Fair (October 2007), they make up more than half of the “100 most powerful people” in the world. Of the top 400 richest individuals in the U.S., at least 149 (37%) are Jewish (top 400 reported in Forbes, 30 September 2009; Jewish count by Jacob Berman, [5 October 2009]). Fully half of the top 50 political pundits are Jewish (top 50 list from Atlantic, September 2009; Jewish count by Steve Sailer []). In media and entertainment the dominance is almost total. Jewish executives lead all five of the top U.S. media conglomerates — Time-Warner (Jeff Bewkes, Edgar Bronfman), Disney (Robert Iger), News Corp (Rupert Murdoch, Peter Chernin), Viacom (Sumner Redstone, Leslie Moonves, Philippe Dauman), NBC-Universal (Jeff Zucker). All are Jewish except possibly for Murdoch. Six of the top seven American newspapers have Jewish management. Virtually every major Hollywood studio exec is Jewish — see “How Jewish is Hollywood?”, Los Angeles Times, 19 December 2008.

And they are pretty influential in Washington as well:

In the political sphere, Jewish-Americans comprise 7 percent of the House and 15 percent of the Senate. Even more impressively, some 80 to 90 percent of both chambers reflexively support Jewish interests. The reason: pro-Jewish individuals and lobbies supply half or more of political campaign contributions — for both major parties; see “Candidly speaking: Obama, Netanyahu and American Jews” Jerusalem Post (11 May 2009). The lobby AIPAC is among the top two or three most powerful in Washington, and they have absolute dominance in U.S. foreign policy. All major presidential candidates bend over backward to placate Jewish interests. For details on the American political scene, see Mearsheimer and Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007).

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