Wednesday, February 17, 2010

There's a strong possibility a Chicago man could be jailed for defying a court order that temporarily barred him from taking his daughter to church

Joseph Reyes has gone to court facing criminal charges. He pleaded not guilty. The charges were brought by Reyes' estranged wife, Rebecca Reyes (formerly Shapiro), who is Jewish. Reyes, a law student, is Catholic. When the couple married in 2004 Reyes agreed to convert to Judaism to make his in-laws – who would only accept him if he was Jewish – happy. But he never stopped practicing Catholicism. The couple is now in divorce court and battling over what faith their now 3-year-old daughter, Ela, should be raised in. In a petition for a temporary restraining order against Joseph taking their child to church, Rebecca claims they always agreed to raise Ela in the Jewish faith and "have done nothing other than to raise her in the Jewish faith." Joseph has denied the claims. He has also said that they did not attend Jewish services regularly – only on High Holy Days. The motion for a restraining order was filed after Joseph sent her photos of Ela's baptism at Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church in Evergreen Park. "It is not in Ela's best interests to be baptized and thrust into a religion outside of the Jewish faith," the motion states. It also argues that Ela and Rebecca will suffer "irreparable injury" if "inappropriate behavior such as baptizing the child outside her religion" and taking her to church continues. In December 2009, Judge Edward R. Jordan issued a court order, without hearing testimony, temporarily restraining the father from "exposing Ela Reyes to any other religion other than the Jewish religion" during his visitation. In an appeal, Joseph's attorney, Joel Brodsky, argued that the order is not a preliminary injunction because there was no evidentiary hearing. He also made the case that there was no evidence of Ela suffering harm, confusion or distress from the baptism. The appeal was denied by the First District Appellate Court. On Jan. 17 2010, Joseph invited a media crew to record him taking his daughter to Holy Name Cathedral. "I have been ordered by a judge not to expose my daughter to anything non-Judaism," Reyes said. "But I am taking her to hear the teachings of perhaps the most prominent Jewish Rabbi (Jesus Christ) in the history of this great planet of ours. I can't think of anything more Jewish than that." He now faces up to six months in jail if found guilty of indirect criminal contempt of court.


  1. I think its complete crap that the mother would act this way. I feel that the mother is just finding some way to act like a moron. As of right now its her word against his on how the child should be raised. As for the judge to grant restraining order is ridiculous over what religion she is raised. Maybe being possibly raised in both religions would be a better compromise and when the little girl is older she can decide which one she would rather be or stay both. I completely finding the mother and the judge to be a complete waste of our tax payers money for going to court over observed things like this.

  2. Jennifer:

    It's a pity that the mother and the judge are not as sensible as you are. Personally, I find it astonishing that someone could be put in jail for taking their child to church.
