Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why are black people so loud

When you type the word why into Google the second phrase suggested by the search engine is why are black people so loud. In fact, there are about 12,700,000 entries related to that phrase.


  1. Interesting. Down here in Australia I don't see that phrase at all on my google. But down my list at number 10 is why do Indians smell with 2 million results. It seems folks aren't too keen on the sensory 'benefits' of diversity.

  2. Michael:

    Are you using or I'm not that familiar with Australia but you probably don't have a lot of African blacks down there. In my experience people are not too keen on any of the "benefits" of diversity sensory or otherwise.

  3. AJ, no we don't have many Africans in Oz, thankfully, although in recent years our diversophiles are trying to fix that 'imbalance' in our immigration program. I thought I tried both and but when I try it today redirects to .au.

    Our diversophiles are trying to assimilate us into an EU-type union called the Asia-Pacific Community, so Asians (and lately Indian students on mass) are preferred immigrants. Indians have been in our media a lot because they are favoured victims for muggings/assaults for some reason. The Indian media goes ballistic whenever another Indian is stabbed here and calls us Anglos racist. Yet most of the crime is committed in diverse areas that now have few remaining Anglos. Same old story: diversity = no-go zone.

  4. I just tried the google search box in my firefox and why are black people so loud is indeed number 2.

  5. Michael:

    It seems that in the United States, Europe and now Austalia, left-wing politicians are trying to reduce the size of the white population for their own political benefits while so-called "conservative" politicians are too cowardly to do anything.

  6. I can't believe that ! crazy, but funny. Although I'm black i'm not really offended, but quite shocked. nearly as bad as, typing in " A white guy stole my car" (something like that and Google suggests " do you mean "A black man stole m car" looooooool, meanies ;P

  7. Ok, I just typed in "why" again and google suggests "why are black people so ugly" now that is offensive!

  8. Hey listen first off Australia sucks ass and there are no black people there which is why that wouldn't pop up in your IP. Second, have you ever been around a group of black people they don't shut the fuck up they just go on and on about how Jesus and Obama are gonna come save them some day b.s. Then when your in a movie theater they are like, "hey man this is some crazy shit... woow!! did you just see that that was some serious shit my nigger." Your just sitting there like, "ok first of all your black so why are you callin yourself a nigger and second of all SHUT THE FUCK UP IT WASN'T EVEN THAT AMAZING." Then in the parking lot after the movie they are all walking to their cars talking about how empowering it was and you are like just seriously shut up you faggot nucenses.

  9. Okay I’m black and I find none of this offensive just enlightening. Black people are loud and I know this already. I’ve said it plenty of times. Just want to point out to Mark that that is not how you spell nuisance. I guess now I need to write in the search engine "Why are know it all white people so stupid?"
