Sunday, May 9, 2010

Black mother takes her 15 children to Walmart and leaves one behind

The black mother of a three year old, left at a Walmart, has been arrested and released on her own recognizance. Moriyyah Israel temporarily lost custody of 11 of her 15 children. Israel is charged with child endangering after leaving her daughter, Binah, in the store and, according to police, telling workers there that the child was not hers. Moriyyah Israel was questioned by police and appeared in juvenile court for a custody hearing. Family members say that Israel has 15 children - 11 under the age of 18 who she takes care of. They claim she inadvertently left the girl at Wal-mart. Court documents say the woman who left the child at Walmart specifically said it was not her child. Wearing handcuffs and leg irons, Moriyyah Israel seemed stunned in juvenile court, but agreed to temporarily give up custody of her children. Three-year-old Binah is one of 11 siblings who will be placed with family by Children's Services. Wal-mart workers say Binah had no underwear and had wet herself. They pitched in and bought her some food and new clothes. Family members say it was all an accident by a woman overwhelmed by taking care of 15 children. Moriyyah Israel had been married to the same man for 21 years, the father of 14 of her children, before he died. They say at that time, it became much harder for her to take care of the children. The family says she wasn't aware Binah was gone until the next morning. So far, no one has been able to explain that.

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