Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two Hispanics charges with baseball attack on two white women

Marcy Cruz, 25, told her boyfriend, co-defendant Heriberto Viramontes, to "look at all those drunk a------- coming out of the bar" - moments before Viramontes attacked Natasha McShane and Stacy Jurich, Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Erin Antonietti said. Cruz pointed out the potential victims after Viramontes told her he needed quick money and drugs. Moments later, he jumped from her van, attacked the women as they walked home from a night out, then sped off with Cruz in the van. Before the attack, she smoked a blunt in the van, Cruz told police. Afterward, she took perfume and makeup from the victims' purses and was filmed using the victims' credit cards at a nearby gas station, Antonietti added, urging Judge Donald Panarese to deny Cruz bail. Jurich needed 15 staples in her head and McShane remains in a coma. Doctors don't know if McShane will ever walk or speak again. Viramontes was denied bail after Judge Adam Bourgeois said there was no condition or set of conditions that he could impose that could protect the community from this individual.


Natasha McShane’s alleged baseball-bat attacker has 13-page rap sheet

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