Sunday, June 27, 2010

More than half of South Africans struggled to afford food in 2009

Since 2008, slightly more than half of South Africans said there were times in the past 12 months when they did not have enough money to buy food that they or their families needed. Although more than a majority, the percentage is not unusually high for sub-Saharan Africa: The median percentage across 18 countries in the region in 2009 was 59%. Pressed further, about one in four South Africans surveyed since 2006 said they or their families have gone without enough food to eat at least several times in the past year. South Africans fare somewhat better on this measure than many of their counterparts elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa: The median percentage saying they went without enough to eat several times or more in 2009 was 35%.


  1. Some links that may be of interest:

    SA food production in chaos, embroiled in fraudulent schemes…

    Woolworths food-giant has raised the alarm about the unhealthy water-quality in South Africa over the past 18-months after their quality-control expects identify growing levels of e-coli bacteria on their fresh-food products. Woolworths‘ Interfruit purchaser Noël van Zyl said it has become clear over the past 18 months that there has been a ‘drastic reduction in the quality of the country’s water-supplies. We have been finding more and more e-coli on fresh produce,’ he warned. [...] Besides the high level of human faecal pollution, the Hartbeespoort water also is heavily polluted with radioactive mine-sludge being dumped there.

    Radioactive mine sludge poisons Crocodile/Limpopo river system... Many tens of millions of people in four countries rely on the Limpopo River basin water

    The Great SA Land Scandal: farmlands 'redistributed' to blacks failing. Shocking statistics:

    How is SA going to feed 50m people?

    South Africa’s food security as a subject of interest is a non-starter. Food on the shelves is taken for granted. [...] Recent visits to South Africa by overseas agricultural groups and official delegations have highlighted to those South Africans who showed the visitors around the precarious state of South Africa’s ability to produce food, day after day, for nearly 50 million people.

  2. ‘ANC’s racist land-rights policies are suicidal -- Media statement from the Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa. ... Each white commercial farmer in SA feeds 1,500 people… Land redistribution is more important than food-security: it doesn’t seem logical, and it isn’t – in a European context. But in an African context, it is clear that land reform is either a political ideology stubbornly persisted with to garner votes, or a fullsome application of African mores and values despite the evidence that these are suicidal! ... Mugabe told CNN at the weekend that land seizures from white farmers was “the best thing that could have happened to an African country” (ed.: even though more than 5million Zimbabweans had to flee to South Africa to get fed there…)

    ANC runs world’s biggest welfare state -- South Africa’s social grant budget plans to spend R89-billion in 2010/11 on paying out 13,8-million social welfare grants … with one taxpayer propping up 3 welfare-recipients; and that’s just the start… The ANC-regime has created such a vast social grant system that South Africa now is termed the “biggest welfare state” in the world. And the ANC keeps its voters totally dependent on this economically unsustainable behemoth, and the country is rapidly becoming another failed state, warns economist Francois Calldo ... wasted free food just thrown away by [ESKOM] workers ... “The whole grant system is not sustainable,’ writes Calldo. “Even economist Mike Schüssler warned in February 2010 that the South African dependency ratio of three people to one taxpayer is unsustainable.”

    With 68 Ministers and Deputies, SA has world’s largest, most expensive government:

    2010-11-06 - South Africa’s recently enlarged cabinet is among the world’s largest in relation to the size of its population. It now has 68 Ministers and Deputies for 47-million residents – compared to the USA’s 15 Ministers for 300-million [310,232,863 (July 2010 est.)] people or Nigeria’s 38 Ministers for 150-million people…

    The Silent Genocide Of Whites In ANCs Africa (Graphic)

    Recently a 2 year-old toddler named Willemien Potgieter was held by her hair by a gang of 6 blacks and shot execution style in the back of her head before being dumped on her mother's corpse - for being white. In other cases, women have been tortured for hours on end; beaten to a pulp and literally carved up with broken beer bottles, their blood was used to write anti-white slogans ("kill the boer") on their walls. "Boer" means farmer in Afrikaans and Dutch - the language it is descended from.

    So there you have it - hatred, greed and stupidity trumps food security. That's the REAL reason why Africa is starving.

  3. ‘ANC’s racist land-rights policies are suicidal -- Media statement from the Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa. ... Each white commercial farmer in SA feeds 1,500 people… Land redistribution is more important than food-security: it doesn’t seem logical, and it isn’t – in a European context. But in an African context, it is clear that land reform is either a political ideology stubbornly persisted with to garner votes, or a fullsome application of African mores and values despite the evidence that these are suicidal! ... Mugabe told CNN at the weekend that land seizures from white farmers was “the best thing that could have happened to an African country” (ed.: even though more than 5million Zimbabweans had to flee to South Africa to get fed there…)

    ANC runs world’s biggest welfare state -- South Africa’s social grant budget plans to spend R89-billion in 2010/11 on paying out 13,8-million social welfare grants … with one taxpayer propping up 3 welfare-recipients; and that’s just the start… The ANC-regime has created such a vast social grant system that South Africa now is termed the “biggest welfare state” in the world. And the ANC keeps its voters totally dependent on this economically unsustainable behemoth, and the country is rapidly becoming another failed state, warns economist Francois Calldo ... wasted free food just thrown away by [ESKOM] workers ... “The whole grant system is not sustainable,’ writes Calldo. “Even economist Mike Schüssler warned in February 2010 that the South African dependency ratio of three people to one taxpayer is unsustainable.”

    With 68 Ministers and Deputies, SA has world’s largest, most expensive government:

    2010-11-06 - South Africa’s recently enlarged cabinet is among the world’s largest in relation to the size of its population. It now has 68 Ministers and Deputies for 47-million residents – compared to the USA’s 15 Ministers for 300-million [310,232,863 (July 2010 est.)] people or Nigeria’s 38 Ministers for 150-million people…

    The Silent Genocide Of Whites In ANCs Africa (Graphic)

    Recently a 2 year-old toddler named Willemien Potgieter was held by her hair by a gang of 6 blacks and shot execution style in the back of her head before being dumped on her mother's corpse - for being white. In other cases, women have been tortured for hours on end; beaten to a pulp and literally carved up with broken beer bottles, their blood was used to write anti-white slogans ("kill the boer") on their walls. "Boer" means farmer in Afrikaans and Dutch - the language it is descended from.

    So there you have it - hatred, greed and stupidity trumps food security. That's the REAL reason why Africa is starving.
