Monday, August 16, 2010

The racial achievement gap in NYC

Among the students in the city’s third through eighth grades, 40% of black students and 46% of Hispanic students met state standards in math, compared with 75% of white students and 82% of Asian students. In English, 33% of black students and 34% of Hispanic students are now proficient, compared with 64% among whites and Asians. Things were even worse on the national test with 49% of white students and 17% of black students showing proficiency on the fourth-grade English test in 2009, for example, up from 45% of white students and 13% of black students in 2003. Asian students have generally performed better than white students on state math tests in the city, and about the same on English tests. Those gaps have remained fairly consistent over the years.


"Triumph Fades on Racial Gap in City Schools"

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