Thursday, October 7, 2010

CBS poll: Obama and the economy

Obama's rating on the economy has taken a plunge in the poll. Only 38% say they approve of the job he is doing handling the issue - which has been the problem weighing most heavily on the nation's collective mind for months. Half of those questioned (50%) say they disapprove of his work on the economy. The latest CBS News poll also suggests Obama's presidency, in general, has not lived up to the expectations of many Americans. In assessing his presidency so far, just one third of Americans said he has been a "very good" or a "good" president. According to 39%, he's been "average", while 27% say he has been a "poor" president. With these negative evaluations, Obama's involvement on behalf of candidates running for office in November 2010 could prove detrimental. If Obama supported a candidate in their area, just 15% of likely voters say that would make them more likely to vote for the candidate, and twice as many (31%) say it would make them more likely to vote against that candidate.


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