Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More than 4 of 10 likely voters who say they once considered themselves Obama backers now are either less supportive or say they no longer support him

Fewer than half of likely voters approve of Obama’s job performance. Likely voters are more apt to say Obama’s policies have harmed rather than helped the economy. Among those who say they are most enthusiastic about voting in 2010, 6 of 10 say the Democrat has damaged the economy. Almost two-thirds of voters believe the country is on the wrong track and unemployment is the top concern for about half the electorate. On Obama’s main foreign-policy initiative, 6 of 10 voters say Afghanistan is now a lost cause, up from 55% in July 2010. The erosion of backing for Obama among onetime supporters has been most notable among two groups of voters who were central to his election: women and independents. More than 6 of 10 of the former Obama backers who have turned away from him are women; 53% of the onetime supporters are independents.

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