Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pregnant again, the black mother with five children in care who vows to keep having babies until she gets a council house in Britain

An unemployed black benefits claimant whose five children were all taken into care has vowed to continue having babies until she is granted a council house. Lavine Samma, 27, is now pregnant with her sixth child and fully expects the baby to be taken from her by social services at birth, just like the last three infants. Since 2002, the feckless mother has given birth to three boys and two girls by three different men and doesn't even know who the father is of one. She does not work and rakes in around £600 a month in benefits. But Miss Samma claimed that it was her 'human right as a woman to have children' and vowed to continue falling pregnant until the local authority moved her from her 16th floor inner-city council flat to a 'proper council house'. Samma, who lives in a tower block in Newtown, Birmingham, with Jamaican asylum-seeker boyfriend Damien Sewell, lost her first two children - a girl and a boy - in March 2006, when social services were tipped off that she had been neglecting the elder child, then aged three and a half. Bruises and scratches were discovered on the girl's back and the following year the mother was found guilty of neglect. She was jailed for a year and released on license after six months.

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