Monday, December 20, 2010

Some 200 people held a demonstration in central Bat Yam against relationships between local Jewish women and Arab men

One of the protesters called out, "Any Jewish woman who goes with an Arab should be killed; any Jew who sells his home to an Arab should be killed." During the rally, held under the banner, "We Want a Jewish Bat-Yam", demonstrators also insulted the prophet Muhammad and made racist remarks against Arabs and their saints. Police did not act when the demonstrators made racist remarks. "We are not racist, we are just Jews. The Arabs are coming and taking our daughters. We will not allow it," one of the speakers said. Moshe Ben-Zikri of Eilat said the "struggle" began in Givat Ze'ev. "There were 330 Arab families there, and the Jewish women would walk around with them freely. We vowed this would not happen again. Just like we triumphed there, we will triumph in Bat Yam as well. We are not afraid of the police, the media or the Arabs – we only fear God," he said. One of the event's organizers, Bentzi Gupstein said, "So many Arabs are dating Jewish women, and the public is fed up with it."


Right-wing activists rally to 'keep Bat Yam Jewish' by kicking Arabs out

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