Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why did no one at his mosque in Britain tell the police before the Iraqi Muslim suicide bomber traveled to Yemen and then Sweden?

Astonishingly, despite alarming fellow mosque-goers in Luton with calls for suicide bombings and Islamic revolution, Iraq-born Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly seems not to have been reported to British police. Some worshipers even appeared to know that he had traveled to Yemen, a center for Al Qaeda training which has been at the root of two of the terror group’s most recent attempt to strike at the West – the printer bomb plot in October 2010 and the Christmas 2009 underpants bomber. Abdulwahab was a member of a Facebook "Islamic Day of Judgment" group which has as its logo an image of London being devastated by nuclear explosions. In a busy shopping area of Stockholm he first set off a bomb in his newly bought Audi, packed with gas cylinders, then set off a pipe bomb minutes later, killing himself and injuring two bystanders. Five further bombs strapped to his body and in a rucksack failed to go off. He also had a container full of shrapnel with him.


How I was reviled for warning that Britain is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism

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