Sunday, January 30, 2011

White men are slightly more likely to marry outside their race than are white women

Though whites are still most likely to marry other whites. The most common interracial marriage is between a white and a white Hispanic. White Hispanics behave very much like whites in shunning blacks as marriage partners, while black Hispanics have a very high intermarriage rate with non-Hispanic blacks.


  1. A white is a white, whether they have a Portuguese last name, a Spanish last name, a German last name, an Irish last name, etc.

  2. White Hispanics are a myth as most Hispanics are mixed with African and Native American if really tested. Spainiards actually dislike Hispanics calling themselves Spanis.

  3. Spainiards actually dislike calling themselves Spanish. I think it's ironic since Spanish ancestry includes the Black Moors. Go to southern Spain and see the remnants of that culture.

  4. White men normally marry Asian women.
