Monday, February 21, 2011

Only 37% of Israel's Jewish parents believe it is important to do homework, compared to 60% of Arab parents, a new study has found

A poll of students showed a similar gap: Only 58% of Jewish students said they did all the homework they were assigned at school, compared to 78% of Arab students. Fully 47% of the Arab students said they love doing homework, compared to only 13% of the Jewish students, while 64% of the Arab students said they do homework every day, compared to 54% of the Jews. Arab teachers were also found to attach more importance to homework than their Jewish colleagues. Another finding was that only a third of the Jewish students spend 30 to 45 minutes a day doing homework, compared to about half of the Arab students. In addition, only 58% of Jewish students said they finish all their homework, compared to 78% of their Arab peers.

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