Monday, April 11, 2011

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that 19% of the nation's voters strongly approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president

In addition, 39% of voters strongly disapprove. Currently, just 37% of liberals strongly approve of Obama’s performance. Some liberal commentators have expressed disappointment with Obama over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, the military action in Libya, and, most recently, the budget deal to avert a partial shutdown of the federal government. While liberal enthusiasm may be declining, 57% of voters believe that Obama is more liberal than they are. By a 48% to 37% margin, voters recognize that to significantly cut government spending would require making major changes in National Security, Social Security, and Medicare. Those items make up a majority of all federal spending. Just 31% rate their own personal finances as good or excellent. Overall, 22% say their finances are getting better while 46% say the opposite. Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Obama's performance while 55% disapprove. Most voters continue to favor the repeal of Obama’s health care law and 61% believe that enforcing immigration laws would reduce poverty.

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