Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A 30-year-old illegal immigrant is behind bars for abducting a 9-year-old girl from her home as she slept, sexually assaulting her and trying to kill her

Jose Wilson Rojas Guzman, a former roommate of the girl's mother, has been booked on suspicion of attempted murder, kidnapping with the intent to rape and aggravated sexual assault on a child. The Mexican national was turned over to federal immigration enforcement agents for detention. Police obtained a DNA sample from the suspect, and tests confirmed that it matched DNA collected from the girl and crime scene. Guzman is being held in lieu of $1 million bail. The victim was treated for serious injuries at Parkview Community Hospital. She's recovering at home. The 9-year-old, whose identity was not released, was asleep with her older brother and younger sister in a second-story apartment when she was forcibly taken.

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