Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Black and minority children spend significantly more of their day watching television, playing video games and using their phones than whites

Researchers say that minority youth astonishingly spend more than half their day consuming media content, a rate that's four and a half hours greater than their white counterparts. Traditional television watching is by far the most popular activity among kids, with black and Hispanic youngsters watching more than three hours and day - but this figure doubles to almost six hours when TiVo, DVDs and mobile and online viewing are taken into account. In contrast, white children spend just more than three hours a day watching television in any of its various formats. Black children under 6 were also found to be twice as likely to have a TV in their bedroom as whites, and more than twice as likely to go to sleep with the TV on. Asian youths scored similarly to whites but were found to spend almost three hours a day using a computer recreationally - more than double the amount of time black and white children spent on their computers.

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