Monday, June 20, 2011

A new congressional report finds that about 1 in 4 foreigners in America are here illegally and that 62% of them come from Mexico

The Congressional Budget Office also reports that 25% of non-citizens or those here illegally or with temporary passes live in poverty. Overall, the CBO found that there are about 39 million foreign-born people living in the United States, making up more than 12% of the population, which is the largest since 1920 and that about 10.8 million are here illegally. The CBO said that foreigners of all sorts gather in just a few states. For example, 1 in 4 people in California are foreign-born. In New York, it's 1 in 5. The states with the highest numbers of illegals are California (2.6 million), Texas (1.7 million), Florida (700,000), and New York (600,000). Some 61% are aged 35-44.

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