Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Police in Pakistan say that they have arrested two men for stripping a woman naked and parading her in a village

One of the offenders had accused the woman's son of having illicit relations with his wife. Public dishonoring of women is not uncommon in Pakistan and other parts of South Asia. Police said that people in the village where the incident took place did not try to stop it because the offenders were armed. Haripur district police chief Mohammad Ali Gandapur said that a resident of Nilor Bala village had complained to village elders that two men had had sexual relations with his wife. According to the police, a village council advised the complainant to divorce his wife. Instead, he and four armed men stormed the house belonging to the mother of one of the men accused of having slept with his wife in order to kill her son. Because the son was not there, the men dragged the mother out, stripped her naked and made her walk through the village. The police have now registered a case against seven people, but only two have been arrested so far. Campaigners say that achieving justice for women who are abused in Pakistan is difficult.

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