Thursday, July 14, 2011

African-American Brooklyn Assemblyman William Boyland Jr. made serving in the Legislature a no-show job

Boyland, who pleaded not guilty in April 2011 to federal charges that he did political favors for Brookdale University Hospital in exchange for a consulting gig, skipped 20 of the Assembly's 60 sessions in 2011, attendance records show. Boyland (D-Brownsville), also was the only lawmaker in either the Senate or Assembly who did not introduce a single bill. The absences and lack of bill production did not stop Boyland from collecting $11,845 in per diems for more than 70 days that he claimed to be in Albany, the state controller's office said. Lawmakers get $165 for each day spent in Albany on top of their $79,500 salary. "I'm not surprised," a fellow Democratic Assembly member groused about Boyland. "He never seemed to be invested in anything. I've never even heard him talk." The Legislative Ethics Commission has accused Boyland of violating state ethics over his relationship with Brookdale.

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