Friday, July 15, 2011

A black man beat his 18-year-old stepdaughter to death with a hammer on the front porch of their Brooklyn home after she accused him of sexually abusing her

He then sped away in a gold Mercedes SUV but crashed in Queens on the Jackie Robinson Parkway - and pulled a knife on a good Samaritan who had stopped to help him, police said. The mayhem began when Jean Simon, 54, arrived home in a rage after his wife, Carlene Simon, confronted him over the heinous accusation. Simon has been charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon. The girl, Lakeisha Seymour, had recently made the allegation to someone outside the family, who then told the mother. Simon attacked the girl with the hammer outside the home and smashed her head against the concrete banister, police said. After leaving the girl for dead, Simon fled but he rolled his car over on the parkway. He ran into a wooded area, where he was arrested by Emergency Service Unit officers. Simon later confessed to the murder but denied the sex-abuse accusation. Lakeisha's uncle Leon Seymour said the girl - who had just graduated from high school - had a combustible relationship with Simon but it had never been violent before.

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