Thursday, July 7, 2011

Black man is the first to be convicted of trafficking females out of Britain, in a case involving two Nigerian girls, and has been jailed

Anthony Harrison, 32, was sentenced to 20 years for four trafficking offenses as well as two of false imprisonment. The charges related to teenage victims who were subjected to witchcraft and violence. Judge Philip Shorrock said that the sentence was being imposed to deter others who might be tempted by this terrible trade and to reflect public disgust. Harrison imprisoned both girls - aged 14 and 16 - at his home, in 2009, before attempting to traffic them to Spain and Greece as prostitutes. The two had been controlled by Juju magic rituals, the court was told. The case is thought to be the first of its kind in Europe to involve a prosecution linked to such a practice. Both girls came from small villages in Edo, Nigeria, and were sold into prostitution with the help of the local Juju priest. Juju is a significant part of West African culture. Police said that Harrison was a key player in a network of West African people traffickers operating in Britain.

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