Sunday, July 31, 2011

Why would Anders Behring Breivik kill for this country?

The Economist reports on Israel:
Every Friday and often after school on other days, Israeli soldiers fire tear-gas and sonic bombs at the Palestinian children as they approach a spring. It sits in a valley that separates Nabi Saleh, an Arab village of 500 people half an hour’s drive north of Jerusalem, from Halamish, a religious Jewish settlement. On most nights jeeps roll through the village; over the past 18 months the Israeli army has detained 32 of its children, some as young as eleven. Many have been taken from their beds, kept in pre-trial detention for months, and brought to court in shackles, there to be convicted of stone-throwing.

For some of Halamish’s settlers, irritated by the tear-gas that wafts into their living rooms from across the hill, this is not harsh enough. “The soldiers don’t maim enough Palestinians,” complains Iran Segal.
If Breivik really thought that Europeans and Americans should be fighting for Israel then I think this proves that he was not in a sound state of mind.


  1. Playing Roots BackwardsJuly 31, 2011 at 11:24 AM

    Semites. Fuck 'em all. Nothing that has come from the Mid East is good for western civilization.

    I applaud Anders' effort to thin out the Pinko herd that has been responsible for the Islamic invasion of his country, but I do not understand his affection for the Sheeny Bastids who are behind a great deal of the social unrest around the planet.

    Fuck Islam and Fuck Israel: That is my manifesto.

  2. Fuck Islam and Fuck Israel

    Not a bad slogan. Not bad at all.
