Saturday, July 23, 2011

Young woman accuses Asian-American Democrat of aggressive and unwanted sexual encounter

A distraught young woman called U.S. Rep. David Wu's Portland office, accusing him of an unwanted sexual encounter, according to multiple sources. When confronted, the Oregon Democrat acknowledged a sexual encounter to his senior aides but insisted it was consensual, the sources said. The woman is the daughter of a longtime friend and campaign donor. She apparently did not contact police at the time. One person who heard the voice mail described the woman as upset, breathing heavily and distraught. In the voice mail, the young woman accused Wu of aggressive and unwanted sexual behavior, according to sources with direct knowledge of the message and its contents. Reporters could not verify the young woman's age. Notes on Facebook indicate that she graduated from high school in 2010. California records show that she registered to vote in August 2010. Wu, 56, did not respond to repeated questions from reporters on this issue. In 2004, journalists reported on a 1976 case when Wu was a student at Stanford University and was disciplined for trying to force an ex-girlfriend to have sex.

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