Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About 90% of Mexican victims of common crime in 2010 never contacted police, citing bureaucratic delays and general mistrust of legal authorities who solve few cases, a study by Mexico's national statistics agency found

Victims who went to the trouble of reporting crimes like robbery, extortion, car theft and break-ins to prosecutors faced a 35% chance there would be no investigation of their cases, the report said. The independent statistics agency, known as Inegi, surveyed over 78,000 households across Mexico in 2010 and found that 15% of victims of unreported crimes said they had no faith in the authorities. More than 33% said that filing a complaint was too time-consuming, while more than 6% said they were discouraged by the hostile attitude of the police. Inegi regularly polls the public about perceptions of safety and during 2010's March-April period, nearly 70% of the population felt insecure.

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