Thursday, September 15, 2011

A leading children’s health concern for Latinos is teen pregnancy, with 44% of Hispanics calling it a big problem, compared with 33% of blacks and 19% of whites

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hispanics had the highest rate of teen pregnancy in 2009, with 70.1 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19, compared to a national rate of 39.1 births. Additionally, child abuse and neglect ranked #4 in Latinos’ children’s health concerns, with 38% of Hispanics considering the issue a major problem for children. But the issue did not even make the top 10 concerns for blacks or whites. For blacks, community safety concerns predominated. More than a third of blacks were extremely worried about the effects of gun-related injuries, school violence, and unsafe neighborhoods, issues that were not among the top concerns for Hispanics or whites. Childhood obesity ranked as a higher concern for whites (#1) than for blacks (#2) and Hispanics (#3), but only 30% of whites considered the disease to be a big problem, while 44% of both blacks and Hispanics considered it to be a big problem. Researchers also polled people on their apprehensions over bullying, Internet safety, stress, alcohol abuse, driving accidents and sexting (sexually explicit text-messaging). Concern about Internet safety and sexting have also increased overall, although these were of far greater concern for whites than for blacks or Hispanics.

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