Saturday, November 12, 2011

Armed men stoned and shot dead a widow and her daughter in Aghanistan after the Taliban accused the women of moral deviation and adultery

The killing happened in the Khawaja Hakim area of Ghazni city and two men have now been arrested. Officials - who blamed the Taliban for the attack - said that armed men went into the house where the two women lived, took them to the yard outside and they were stoned and then shot. Officials said that Islamic religious leaders had been issuing fatwas - edicts - asking for reports on anyone who was involved in adultery. Earlier in 2011 horrific video footage emerged of Taliban insurgents stoning a couple to death for adultery in northern Afghanistan. It took place in the district of Dashte Archi, in Kunduz, and was met with outrage in the West. However, a Taliban spokesman sais that anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is in the Koran, and that it is a part of Islamic law.

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