Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A CNN/ORC International Poll shows that only 35% of all Americans have a positive view of Obama's economic track record, and just 38% approve of how he is handling health care policy

Obama has an overall 46% approval rating, with 52% saying that they disapprove of how he is handling his job in the White House. In comparison to recent incumbents running for re-election, Obama's 46% approval ranks above only Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford - who both lost their re-election bids - in November of the year before an election. Most incumbents who were re-elected had an approval rating above 50% a year before the election. The poll indicates that the standard partisan divide over Obama remains, with three-quarters of Democrats giving him a thumbs up but only 15% of Republicans approving of the job he is doing in office. By a 54% - 42% margin, independent voters disapprove of how Obama is handling his duties. Women are divided on how Obama's performing, but men disapprove by a 55% - 43% margin. White Americans give Obama a thumbs down by a 61% - 36% margin, with non-white Americans giving Obama a thumbs up by a more than 2 - 1 margin.

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